Saint Ursula Academy

Parent Bulletin

Date: September 5, 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear Saint Ursula Community,

I hope that you have had a good start to the week after the long weekend.  As hard as it is to say goodbye to summer, one of the things that I appreciate about the Labor Day weekend is that it informally marks the end to the “back-to-school” period.  That transition from the summer to school year schedule can be challenging for students and entire families as routines tend to change.  It is nice to know that we have made it through another back-to-school transition and can settle into the school year. In addition to the crispness of autumn that is hopefully coming, there is something calming about the “ordinary” time that happens now before the holidays kick into gear.

There is one safety concern that I would like to bring to your attention.  We have noticed a few issues with the traffic pattern in the Bell Street parking lots.  The lower Bell lot, farthest from the Keller Student Center, is for student parking only; there should be no drop-offs or pick-ups in that lot.  The upper Bell lot, closest to the Keller Center, is available for drop-off and pick-up, and it includes some dedicated parking spaces.  There is one-way in and out of the upper Bell lot to keep the traffic flow safe and efficient.  Please pay attention to these traffic patterns if you use the Bell lot closest to Keller.  Thank you for your help with that matter.

Thursday evening we look forward to having you all on campus for Taste of SUA and the Community Meet and Greet.  As a reminder, your daughter will complete this schedule in her Advisory on Wednesday and send it electronically to you for reference during the evening.  Please keep in mind that the 10 minute “bells” with each teacher are designed for teachers to introduce themselves, course curriculum, and learning expectations and supports.  It is not the appropriate time to have individual discussions with faculty and staff about concerns specific to your daughter.  We always want to answer those questions and concerns, so please contact your daughter’s teachers or counselor if your daughter or you need any assistance supporting classroom learning.

Saint Ursula Academy yard signs will be available for all families to pick up at the Taste of SUA/Community Meet and Greet.  Please be sure to go home with a yard sign to proudly display in your neighborhood and share the great things happening at our school with your family, friends, and prospective students.  We would greatly appreciate your help in getting yard signs to all parishes and parts of our community, so please sign up here if you are able to help in that manner.

Lelia and I look forward to visiting with you Thursday! 

Go Bulldogs,

Kathy Restle

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Last modified: 09/13/2023 12:39:48
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