Saint Ursula Academy

Parent Bulletin

Date: September 3, 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear SUA Community,

Lelia and I hope that you and your family enjoyed the long holiday weekend.  As hard as it is to say goodbye to summer, there is something calming about knowing that we have made it through the “back-to-school” season.  We can now settle into school year routines that are feeling more and more familiar each day.  

 We appreciate all of your efforts to keep your daughter’s Final Forms up-to-date.  If you haven’t already, you will soon receive a notification that there are two forms to “sign”:  one explaining our Faith in Action Days and the second explaining programming offered through our Counseling Department.  Thank you for attending to those two documents; they explain some enriching experiences that support the faith formation and whole person development of our students that are so essential to our school’s mission.

As we look ahead to next week, we hope that you are planning on joining us for some great events on Thursday, September 12.  The evening starts with Taste of SUA featuring food trucks in the front circle from 5-7 pm.  Taste of SUA is a fun way to grab dinner and enjoy the company of other families, alumnae, and SUA faculty and staff.  From 6:15-6:45 pm faculty will be in their classrooms for a Meet and Greet:  parents and guardians can walk their daughter’s schedule and have a chance to say hello to their teachers in their classrooms.  Keep an eye out on Wednesday, September 11, for this document that your daughter will have completed to help you navigate the Meet and Greet.

Finally, on September 12, we will host our Informational Evening for Parents and Guardians about the new schedule; the program starts in the SUA Gym and Convocation Center at 7 pm.  As we shared in August, these changes are an evolution as they build on what our students already know and love about the current schedule.  The new schedule features student-centered learning approaches, which have been peer-reviewed in consultation with highly respected academic experts, and blends them with existing styles that are tried, trusted, and proven to work with SUA students and staff alike.  The students will have their introduction to the new schedule during our Gold Bell programming on September 11, and we look forward to sharing the introduction with parents and guardians on September 12.

Enjoy the break in the weather this week.  Go Bulldogs!


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Last modified: 10/07/2024 15:34:07
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