Saint Ursula Academy

Parent Bulletin

Date: September 10, 2024
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear SUA Community,

Chances are that you might have heard thoughts, opinions, and questions about the new schedule if you asked your daughter the standard, “What happened at school today?”  Today our students gathered to hear about the new schedule that will be implemented in the 2025-2026 school year.  Since we came together on such an important date to our country, we started our time with a flag-bearing ceremony in honor of the events and people impacted by 9/11.  We concluded with singing “God Bless America” and taking a moment of silence for prayer.

The presentation that followed introduced the students to the new schedule.  We started by highlighting the many known and loved elements of the current schedule that are staying the same.  We explained how the new schedule alleviates some of the challenges in the current schedule.  Then, we introduced a few new features that allow students to learn in well-researched ways that will best prepare them for their futures.  

We look forward to introducing the new schedule to parents and guardians at our New Schedule Information program at 7 pm in the SUA Gym and Convocation Center.  We will share the exact presentation that the students had today so that you can see and hear what they did.  We will then layer in some helpful parent perspectives about the benefits of the new schedule in terms of learning opportunities and college admissions.

As with any change, students and parents will need some time to digest this information.  Questions are bound to pop up the next day, over coffee, and at all sorts of random times as our brains do their processing work.  At the end of the student presentation, we encouraged students to write their questions on question cards or use a QR code to enter questions into an electronic form.  We will be doing the same for parents.  Using these questions, we will assemble an FAQ resource that will be updated frequently to keep our community informed.  In addition, we are planning a follow-up meeting with students on November 8, when they will review schedule information in grade-level groups.  Parents will also have a chance to review and learn more about our new schedule during a virtual meeting at 7 pm on November 11.  

Lelia and I know and appreciate that you place great trust in Saint Ursula Academy to provide excellence in academics and student experiences that align with our mission.  We look forward to introducing the new schedule to you and explaining the rich opportunities and choices it creates for students.

Go Bulldogs!


PS:  It is hard to believe that it is time to start thinking about Open House on Sunday, October 27.  Please grab a yard sign on September 12th to help spread the word!  

Also, we are happy to share that our student-run coffee shop, the Bulldog Boost, will be open in the Keller Student Center.  You can enjoy some delicious fall coffee drinks.  Cash or credit are accepted, and all proceeds benefit our student service organizations.

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Last modified: 10/07/2024 15:34:00
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