Dear SUA Community,
It is hard to believe that we are almost halfway through the semester - and a quarter of the way through the school year! This week and next week are busy ones for our students as they prepare for exams and end of the quarter projects.
Just to help you keep track on your end, here some reminders about upcoming events and dates:
Thursday, October 3: College Information Night at SUA from 6-8pm in the Keller Student Center for families of students in grades 9, 10, 11. Topics to be covered: The application process, discovering a major, finding your college fit, financial aid, NCAA eligibility for athletics, college entrance testing and more! RSVP HERE. There is a pre-program specific to students/families in the ES program that begins at 5:30 pm in the Theater.
Friday, October 4: Donuts Tailgate for the students in Keller starting at 7:45 am Picture Retakes during lunch in KC04.
Monday, October 7: Senior Application Fest (optional) during lunch
Wednesday, October 9: Exam day for bells B and D
Thursday, October 10: Exam day for bells A and C
Friday, October 11: no school for students! Professional development for faculty/staff.
Monday, October 14: no school for students! Grading day for faculty.
Tuesday, October 15: Testing day for the classes of 2026 and 2027; Retreat day for the class of 2028; no school for class of 2025!
Wednesday, October 16: Second Quarter begins
I also want to share that the SUA website now includes introductory information about the new schedule, “Experience Excellence: Learning for the Real World.” If you haven’t had a chance to check out the new website design, this is a great opportunity to do so. There you will find a summary sheet about our collegiate block schedule as well as an introductory video under “Academics.” These are helpful resources particularly for parents and guardians who were not able to attend our informational session on September 12.
Also, we have updated our New Schedule FAQs with questions submitted by students and parents/guardians. We will continue to update these every two weeks with the newly posted questions and responses at the top of the document.
Finally, our SUA community is keeping in our prayers all of those who were impacted by Hurricane Helene. Thank you for your help in getting our students home safely on Friday with our early dismissal.
Enjoy the rest of your week. Go Bulldogs!