Saint Ursula Academy

Parent Bulletin

Date: October 8, 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear SUA Community,

Thank you to all of the students and parents who attended last Thursday’s College Information Night.  We had almost 200 people who attended the evening presented by our Counseling Department.  

Anyone who has spent a minute with a member of the Class of 2025 knows that applying to colleges is a central focus right now for our seniors.  It is inspiring to hear about their dreams for their future - even though they are likely to come with some commentary about all of the deadlines and written responses of the application season.  While seniors are in the thick of it, we know that preparation for college is a four-year process that spans the entire time a student attends SUA.  

Students’ counselors are integral team members for their growth and college preparation. The Saint Ursula Academy Counseling Department is committed to successfully assisting students in these key areas:

  1. Academic: We will promote academic excellence for each student by supporting and maximizing each student’s ability to learn, grow, and be challenged.
  2. College:  In collaboration with families, we will assist each student in finding a right-fit college program which is aligned to the student’s aptitude, goals, and values. 
  3. Career: We will support each student in career exploration (interests and aptitudes), connections (with both alumni and community opportunities), and personal growth (individualized action steps toward measurable career goals).
  4. Social/Emotional: We will nurture the development of a student’s whole self by promoting and advocating for each student’s balanced health and well-being, teaching self-advocacy and assertive communication, and modeling the Ursuline core values.

These goals are achieved through a carefully planned sequence of offerings and opportunities over students’ four years.  Most important, though, is the relationship that develops between students and their counselors.  Students meet with their counselors multiple times each quarter of every year for individual counseling and group guidance.  By the time the college application process starts in earnest, the counselors know their students so well that they can provide personalized college guidance and speak knowledgeably about students’ strengths in college recommendations.  

Our results speak for themselves: 93% of the Class of 2024 earned an academic, service, leadership or athletic scholarship totaling more than $26,000,000. That’s an average of $176,000 per student. We are proud that many of our Academy Alumnae continue their studies at Catholic colleges and universities, with more than one member of the Class of 2024 attending each of the following Catholic schools: Benedictine College, Boston College, Loyola University of Chicago, Marquette University, Mount St. Joseph University, Saint Louis University, University of Dayton, University of Notre Dame, and Xavier University.

As our current students are busy studying for exams and end-of-quarter projects, it is helpful to remember that we are preparing them for a very bright future!  Thanks for all of the ways that you support your daughters.

Go Bulldogs!


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Last modified: 10/16/2024 10:31:38
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