Dear SUA Community,
Yesterday, a very special thing happened on campus. I feel like I could say that everyday, but this event was particularly memorable in terms of sharing the Christmas spirit.
Saint Ursula Academy is blessed to have a crossing guard, known by all as Lillie. She performs an important job of helping our students cross McMillan Street at the beginning and end of the school day, and she is beloved for her absolute warmth and kindness. By doing something as relatively simple as greeting the students and wishing them a great day in her most sincere way, she makes our students’ days better. She is always there and always caring. A student asked Mrs. Kramer and me if it would be okay to ask other students if they wanted to contribute to a Christmas gift for Lillie. We agreed, and as this generation does things, a GoFundMe was established with the goal of “giving back to Lillie all of the joy and love that she has given to the SUA community.” Faculty and staff asked if they could contribute as well. The donations steadily grew and exceeded all of our expectations.
Before exams yesterday, the students shared their gift with Lillie. Most importantly, they had the chance to tell her what she means to them. It was a beautiful exchange and an inspiring example of how Christmas really is about love. God showed us all radical generosity and love by sending us his only Son Jesus. He brings light to our world and our lives, and we are called to share that love and light with one another. Lillie brings that light and love to campus each day. I am grateful that our students have her example of the impact that consistent kindness and caring can have on people and an entire community.
By the time you receive this bulletin, it will be very, very quiet on campus. Nothing clears a campus more quickly than finishing the last exam before Christmas break. The first half of the year will be over just like that, and the students will be home to celebrate with their families. Mrs. Kramer and I wish you and your families all of the joys of the season. We thank you for sharing your wonderful daughters with us. They make all of our days “merry and bright” by just being themselves. We see the love of God in the sisterhood that they share with one another, and we could not be more grateful.
We look forward to seeing the students back on campus on Tuesday, January 7!
Merry Christmas!